"Where Swimming is more than just a sport, It's our Passion!"
"Where Swimming is more than just a sport, It's our Passion!"
Make sure you have registered your swimmer by monthly draft, that will ensure your swimmers spot is saved for the school year program.
Make sure to record what you have registered for and mark your calendars with the draft date (it will draft monthly for the date you set it up), and record the holidays that we are closed so you can stay well informed!
Next is setting up your Annual Registration payment for each swimmer. You can do this by filling out the form below and making a payment for $65 per swimmer. Registration confirmations will be sent via text each Friday at the end of the week from
336-287-6109 and you will receive a link to join our school year parent forum called SPORTSYOU after you complete Step 3!
After you have made your annual dues payment, you will be re-directed to read over our policies, rules & sign our waiver form here below. This is a required step for your swimmer to be fully registered. All important details regarding the program will be added to our parent/swimmer forum called SPORTSYOU!