"Where Swimming is more than just a sport, It's our Passion!"
"Where Swimming is more than just a sport, It's our Passion!"
Intro to Swim (9-12 yrs)
Beginner class for Adolescent Youth that offers an introduction to water & survival skills. In this class, we will introduce your tween to breath control, floating and a productive kick & streamline to promote in-water independence and comfort. This is the appropriate starting point for any youth that hasn't been e
Intro to Swim (9-12 yrs)
Beginner class for Adolescent Youth that offers an introduction to water & survival skills. In this class, we will introduce your tween to breath control, floating and a productive kick & streamline to promote in-water independence and comfort. This is the appropriate starting point for any youth that hasn't been exposed to a swim lesson before or might need some adjusting to being in a first time class setting and under water swimming skills.
Expect your tween to stay in
this level until they possess the following skills:
(30 minute lesson/2 students)
Ready to Swim (9-12 yrs)
Intermediate class for Adolescent Youth that have already acclimated to a class setting and are ready to learn stroke work. These swimmers are adjusted and happy in a lesson with water adaption skills. These students can put their faces comfortably under the water on command and can streamline with distance and pro
Ready to Swim (9-12 yrs)
Intermediate class for Adolescent Youth that have already acclimated to a class setting and are ready to learn stroke work. These swimmers are adjusted and happy in a lesson with water adaption skills. These students can put their faces comfortably under the water on command and can streamline with distance and proper form to their instructor from wall for a minimum of 8 ft with proper form and breath control. As an intermediate swimmer, the student should be able to demonstrate back floating for a minimum of 30 seconds and be able to jump in the water independently from their instructor with comfort.
The student will remain in this level until they have mastered the following skills:
(30 minute lesson/2 students)
Adding Distance (9-12 yrs)
The more advanced level appropriate for Adolescent Youth. These swimmers have mastered all beginner & intermediate skills and are ready to add distance swimming and stroke work to their learning. These students can demonstrate freestyle stroke work (minimum 8 ft) and Sculling on their back (minimum 8 ft) with a p
Adding Distance (9-12 yrs)
The more advanced level appropriate for Adolescent Youth. These swimmers have mastered all beginner & intermediate skills and are ready to add distance swimming and stroke work to their learning. These students can demonstrate freestyle stroke work (minimum 8 ft) and Sculling on their back (minimum 8 ft) with a productive kick.
In this level swimmers
will learn proper technique for freestyle, rotary breathing, backstroke, and elementary backstroke. Our primary focus in this class will be to develop freestyle and backstroke skills. This level will continue to challenge your swimmer with new skills based on ability, growth and technique.
Upon assessment of your swimmers individual needs, students that progress quickly in this level will begin learning breaststroke, butterfly, flip-turns, diving, starts, finishes, treading water, speed drills and lap swimming.
You can expect your tween to stay in this group until:
(30 minute lesson/2 students)
Indoor Pool Location:
Airport Marriott
One Marriott Drive
Greensboro, NC