"Where Swimming is more than just a sport, It's our Passion!"
"Where Swimming is more than just a sport, It's our Passion!"
Scroll Down to view Class Openings and Register for School Year Programming!
Fall 2024-Spring 2025
1 day/week for 32 lessons
Payment of $99/month + Annual Dues of $65
(Total of 8 drafts for the whole season)
Any swimmer joining us in a later month will be prorated by months remaining in the draft.
No Swim Lessons:
These Holidays DO NOT need be made up!
You can stop anytime with a 30 day written notice (Through our SPORTSYOU APP)
3:30 pm (Robin, F) Full
4:00 pm (Robin, F) 1 space
5:00 pm (Meghan, F) 1 space
5:30 pm (Robin, F) Full
5:30 pm (Meghan, F) Full
6:30 pm (Robin, F) Full
4:30 pm (Meghan, F) 1 space
5:30 pm (Eric, M) 1 space
6:30 pm (Zoi, M) 1 space
4 pm (Zoi, M) Full
5:30 pm (Meghan, F) 1 space
4:30 pm (Robin, F) 1 space
5:30 pm (Elijah, M) 1 space
6:30 pm (Robin, F) Full
3:30 pm (Charley, F) Full
4 pm (Charley, F) Full
Secure your spot now or Ask us to add another class.
F, represents Female
M, represents Male
(May 5th-15th)
4 days/week for 2 weeks
2 pm (Eric, M) 2 spaces
2 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
3 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
3:30 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
4 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Callan, F) 1 space
4:30 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
5 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
6:30 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
May 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th & 15th.
(You must
(May 5th-15th)
4 days/week for 2 weeks
2 pm (Eric, M) 2 spaces
2 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
3 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
3:30 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
4 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Callan, F) 1 space
4:30 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
5 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
6:30 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
May 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 12th, 13th, 14th & 15th.
(You must plan to attend all 8 lessons)
Duration of Class:
30 minutes
Class Ratio:
1 instructor for 2 students
Cost for the Session:
Secure your spot now or Ask us to add another class.
F, represents Female
M, represents Male
(May 19th-June 2nd)
4 days/week for 2 weeks
2 pm (Eric, M) 2 spaces
2 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
3 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
3:30 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
4 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
5 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
6:30 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
May 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 27th, 28th, 29th & June
(May 19th-June 2nd)
4 days/week for 2 weeks
2 pm (Eric, M) 2 spaces
2 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
3 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
3:30 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
4 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
5 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
6:30 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
May 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 27th, 28th, 29th & June 2nd.
(You must plan to attend all 8 lessons)
Duration of Class:
30 minutes
Class Ratio:
1 instructor for 2 students
Cost for the Session:
Secure your spot now or Ask us to add another class.
F, represents Female
M, represents Male
(June 13th-August 24th)
No lessons July 4th or July 6th
1 day/week for 10 weeks
Fridays Only
9:30 am (Eric, M) 2 spaces
10 am (Charley, F) 2 spaces
12 pm (TBA) 2 spaces
12:30 (Charley, F) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
June 13th, 20th & 29th
July 11th, 18th & 25th
August 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd
Sundays Only
11:30 am (TBA) 2 spaces
12:30 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
2 p
(June 13th-August 24th)
No lessons July 4th or July 6th
1 day/week for 10 weeks
Fridays Only
9:30 am (Eric, M) 2 spaces
10 am (Charley, F) 2 spaces
12 pm (TBA) 2 spaces
12:30 (Charley, F) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
June 13th, 20th & 29th
July 11th, 18th & 25th
August 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd
Sundays Only
11:30 am (TBA) 2 spaces
12:30 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
2 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
3 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (TBA) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Elijah, M) Full
5:30 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
June 15th, 22nd & 29th
July 13th, 20th & 27th
August 3rd, 10th, 17th & 24th
Duration of Class:
30 minutes
Class Ratio:
1 instructor for 2 students
Cost for the Session:
Secure your spot now or Ask us to add another class.
F, represents Female
M, represents Male
(June 9th-July 17th)
No lessons June 30th-July 3rd
2 days/week for 5 weeks
Mondays & Wednesdays
2 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
2:30 pm (Eric, M) 2 spaces
4 pm (Charley, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
5 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
5:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
6 pm (Zoi, M) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
June 9th, 11th, 16th,
18th, 23rd & 25th
July 7th, 9th, 14
(June 9th-July 17th)
No lessons June 30th-July 3rd
2 days/week for 5 weeks
Mondays & Wednesdays
2 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
2:30 pm (Eric, M) 2 spaces
4 pm (Charley, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
5 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
5:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
6 pm (Zoi, M) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
June 9th, 11th, 16th,
18th, 23rd & 25th
July 7th, 9th, 14th & 16th
Tuesdays & Thursdays
2 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
2:30 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
3:30 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
5 pm (TBA) 2 spaces
5:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
6 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
June 10th, 12th, 17th,
19th, 24th, 26th
July 8th, 10th, 15th & 17th
Duration of Class:
30 minutes
Class Ratio:
1 instructor for 2 students
Cost for the Session:
Secure your spot now or Ask us to add another class.
F, represents Female
M, represents Male
(July 21st-August 21st)
2 days/week for 5 weeks
Mondays & Wednesdays
2 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
2:30 pm (Eric, M) 2 spaces
4 pm (Charley, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
5 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
5:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
6 pm (Zoi, M) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
July 21st, 23rd, 28th & 30th
August 4th, 6th, 11th,
13th, 18th & 20th
Tuesdays & Thu
(July 21st-August 21st)
2 days/week for 5 weeks
Mondays & Wednesdays
2 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
2:30 pm (Eric, M) 2 spaces
4 pm (Charley, F) 2 spaces
4:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
5 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
5:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
6 pm (Zoi, M) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
July 21st, 23rd, 28th & 30th
August 4th, 6th, 11th,
13th, 18th & 20th
Tuesdays & Thursdays
2 pm (Elijah, M) 2 spaces
2:30 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
3:30 pm (Callan, F) 2 spaces
5 pm (TBA) 2 spaces
5:30 pm (Andrea, F) 2 spaces
6 pm (Robin, F) 2 spaces
Class Dates:
July 22nd, 24th, 29th & 31st
August 5th, 7th, 12th,
14th, 19th & 21st
Duration of Class:
30 minutes
Class Ratio:
1 instructor for 2 students
Cost for the Session:
Secure your spot now or Ask us to add another class.
F, represents Female
M, represents Male